Mancini Realty Inc.
Mancini Realty Inc.

Meal Planning on a Busy Schedule

by Mancini Realty Inc. 04/21/2019

Life can be hectic at times. Families are always on the go with after-school activities, birthday parties on the weekend, and work. With all of this to juggle, having to plan for dinner for seven days a week can feel like you’re adding another depleting task. There are ways to get ahead of the week and not let it get a hold of you. Here are some simple tips for putting into practice.

To get organized in your meal planning, start by writing out your meals for the week. Having a written meal plan for the whole week will help you create a complete grocery list. Getting all your groceries at once means not having to go back and forth to the store to pick up something you forgot. Plus, this allows you to think creatively about what your meals will be depending on your schedule for that week. 

When planning a meal, the ingredients are the most critical part of the process. Going to the grocery store is the last thing most people want to do on a weekday. Start by designating a day out of the week that you will commit to going grocery shopping. The weekends may work better for some more than others. 

If you don’t have the time or energy to deal with the grocery stores, there are online resources that can assist you in that area. Amazon has partnered with Whole Foods for online food delivery service. If you have Amazon Prime, you will receive exclusive deals and savings. You can find these savings and sales through the Amazon app and the Whole Foods app. Another online food shopping service to use is Fresh Direct. If you live in the Northeast, this is a helpful source. Fresh Direct has a minimum order delivery of $30 and a flat delivery fee depending on where you live. 

Finally, after you’ve done all the shopping, start by preparing your meals. You can cook all the meals on the same day or prep the ingredients for the upcoming days. If your family is not big on eating leftovers, cook the first couple of meals for the next couple of days. Then, season or prepare for the rest of the meals for the remainder of the week. If you’ve got kids, have them assist you in food prepping and make it a weekly family affair. 

By preparing ahead of time for your meals, you will make healthier choices and make room for things that are important to you. Check out some of the sites listed in the article to see how you can make meal planning a part of your weekly routine.