Mancini Realty Inc.
Mancini Realty Inc.

Tag: Maintenance

Posted on 12/15/2024
How to Choose the Best Type of Entryway Material for Your Home
Conducting due diligence on the right entryway door material typically leads everyday people down a path filled with online marketing. Manufacturers often prefer to tout the top reasons wood, fiberglass and steel doors provide the “best” option for homeowners. And while much of what door-makers explain about their products may be true, homeowners are tasked with selecting a...
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Posted on 10/16/2022
Home Maintenance for Every Season
Maintaining your home should be a priority, but it can be overwhelming to fit in all of those routine maintenance projects along with the rest of your commitments. Fortunately, it's very easy to come up with a maintenance schedule based on the seasons. If you follow this schedule, you will always stay on track with your preventative maintenance,...
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Posted on 03/01/2020
Do You Need a New Roof?
Photo by David McBee from Pexels For most homeowners, the last thing they’re worried about is the physical roof over their heads. That is until their roof starts leaking after a storm. Once the water is pouring down and you’re forced to bring out buckets, you’re likely to curse yourself for not thinking about roof maintenance sooner. So,...
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